How Migraine Headaches Start

It begins from nowhere with symptoms like vision changes, nausea or the light or sounds that make you wince in pain.  Sometimes it has no pain at all, but the discomfort level is high. For instance, you may feel pressure and see spots with neck stiffness and nausea. The migraine is not just a severe headache, it’s extremely uncomfortable and can be debilitating if relief is not received rapidly. Some people wake up with migraines and others develop them throughout the day.

What are migraine headaches?

To be considered a migraine, the headache generally includes throbbing or pulsating on one side of the head or neck area.

Migraines are a part of a neurological condition, and that is why you might have those visual changes, sensitivity to sound, light, and even smell. However, treating or managing the condition depends on how well you understand the phases.

How to know when a migraine is coming?

Premonitory: This is the first stage and actually warns you that the migraine is on its way. In this stage, there is no pain, only symptoms like thirst, neck stiffness, constipation, confusion, mood swings, and even cravings or loss of appetite. Bear in mind that not everyone would experience this phase.

Aura: Some people also might progress into the aura phase without the premonitory stage. In this stage, you may experience visual or sensory disturbances before the actual attack. Visual auras cause flashing lights or blurred vision, while sensory auras are characterized by slurred speech or confusion.

Headache: During the headache phase, you might feel pain on one or both sides of the head. The pain might be severe or moderate, depending on the headaches type. Most migraine sufferers will notice that the headache worsens when they move rapidly or engage in physical activities. It may also get worse when they turn on the lights or increase sounds. The headache phase may also arrive with other symptoms like anxiety, or inability to sleep.

Postdrome: The postdrome is the final phase. It comes after the headache and leaves the person feeling exhausted. That is why this phase is called the “migraine hangover.” The postdrome stage may also cause dizziness, fatigue, and trouble concentrating.

Causes: No one knows the leading causes of migraines, but specific triggers like stress, alcohol, and depression may attribute to the onset. However, when you catch the migraine and treat the attack early, it lessens the severity and helps you get on with your day. Interestingly, more women experience the condition than men do.


The migraines are different from tension headaches, but there are common ways to treat and relieve the pain.

  1. You can begin with preventive measures such as reducing stress or avoiding foods that trigger the condition. You can also invest in Chiropractic care, which is one of the excellent ways to deal with the situation.
  2. Acupressure  – Migraine pressure points include places on the ear, hand, and foot.
  3. You can also seek out chiropractic care, which is one of the best ways to deal with the situation. Treatment can help remedy the situation fast and can include spinal adjustments and massage.
  4. Pressure Points: If you are unable to get to your chiropractor fast, try this remedy: Find a dark quiet space. Close your eyes,. Apply pressure to the areas of discomfort. This can be your temporal area or the back of your neck under the base of your skull on each side.



Chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy for migraine: a three-armed, single-blinded, placebo randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Neurology 2017

Nazia Karsan, Pyari Bose, Peter J Goadsby (2018). The Migraine Premonitory Phase, Continuum (Minneap Minn), 24, (4, Headache), 996 – 1008.