
You have many things to do – the daily grind, just pulling at you as you rush from one task to the next without a moment’s pause. Or maybe you have a big project, a big presentation, or an event that makes you anxious and harried.

Suddenly just out of nowhere, your head begins to feel as though someone popped a sledgehammer repeatedly on it. Stressful events may trigger a headache, especially when you clench your teeth repeatedly while dealing with worry, excitement, and anxiety.

Why it Matters


We cannot avoid the daily stress, but there are ways to keep the stress under control so we can go about our daily activities efficiently. Episodic headaches are headaches triggered by stressful events and occur from time to time. If we have to deal with much stress daily, and continuously, it may also result chronic headaches.



How to manage stress

We may not be able to limit the amount of work we do daily, but there are a few areas we should address to manage stress. It is vital to deal with stress triggers like poor sleep habits, anxiety, relationship troubles, and life changes.

To reduce stress, use these tips:

Simplify routine: Look for ways to leave some things out of your day than squeezing more activities into your day. Attend only to the most important and say no when necessary to avoid overwhelming yourself with work

Exercise more: Exercise releases endorphin in our body, which makes us feel good. Exercise has been proven to help prevent and treat headaches. Consider stepping away from your desk every occasionally to take a walk or do a 3-minute high-intensity activity. When you return, you will be filled with energy and will have no trouble focusing on your tasks.

Adequate sleep: Get at least 8 hours of sleep from the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning. This increases your ability to cope with stress and helps you build a healthy sleep pattern.

Relax: Use relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga to deal with periods of high stress.

See a Chiropractor: A Chiropractor can help you deal with pent-up stress by correcting your spinal joints, which reduces strain on your spine and supporting muscles.

Action step:

Stress can cause many headaches and worsen others. So, there is a link between headaches and stress. Incorporate stress-relieving activities like power naps, yoga, and exercise during your day. You can also prevent headaches by getting enough sleep and eating well. Overall, you should visit your chiropractor regularly to keep your body relaxed and stress-free.


Sleep and Migraine: Assessment and Treatment of Comorbid Sleep Disorders. Head